Have you ever wondered.....
Okay Jesus enters the scene for the very first time--His "first miracle." Jesus stops by a wedding and joins in the celebration. Now if you thought that Greeks had a big fat wedding, then you should go to a true Jewish wedding because it is a week long event--they knew how to PARTY!!! So Jesus comes in and becomes the life of the party. For His first miracle, He turns water into wine to keep the party going. Why??? (John 2:1-12)
Maybe He was celebrating two becoming one.
(since He was coming to make us one with God)
Maybe He was celebrating true love .
(since He, Himself, is true love and was coming to show us what love is like)
Maybe He was celebrating the marriage covenant.
(since God was making a love covenant with us through Jesus Christ)
Maybe He thought that love is something worth celebrating.
Maybe love is the miracle.
Maybe the reason He came was because of love and for love.
Now let's fast foward >> >>
From the first thing Jesus did to the last thing that Jesus did before the cross and resurrection...the Last Supper (Luke 22:7-30)
Now in Jewish tradition--when a man loves a women (like the song) there was, of course, the engagement. But they didn't use diamonds like we use today. They did something else. The man would set his future bride at a table and go get a bottle of wine. (and maybe turn on a little Barry White--just joking lol) He would pour a glass of wine and sit down at the table with her. He would then take a sip from the cup and slide it over to her basically saying, "Will you be mine? Will you join me in my love?" She would then take a sip herself and hand the glass back to him. From then on they were engaged. And the man would go off and build a house "to prepare a place" for them to live.
Now the Last Supper...Jesus sits across from His Beloved (His disciples) and pours a glass of wine, takes a sip, and offers it to them saying, "Will you be mine? Will you take of My cup? Will you join me in my love revolution because I'm fixing to show you what true love is?" No wonder we call it communion (two becoming one). No wonder the New Testament church called it the "love feast."
Now let's fast foward one more time>> >>
From the Last Supper to another communion, to another place where two became one, where two Spirits were joined...Pentecost (Acts 2:1-15)
Jesus goes "to prepare us a place" (John 14:2) and God sends down the Holy Spirit to live inside His Church, His Beloved, His Bride. The church starts to PARTY because of this wonderful thing and what does everyone begin to say???
"They must be drunk. They just had a little bit too much wine."
And Peter says, "We're not drunk...let me tell you what this is all about!!!" And then Peter shares the gospel with them. But from that point on the Church, Jesus' Bride, is known for this radical love and this insane joy. They don't have to use wine to get that way because they have drunk of the wine of their Lover, Savior, and God...and they will "never be thirsty again." (John 4:14)
I don't know about you, but I want Jesus' Bride, the Church, to be like that again. Where we are so in love with our Bridegroom that we worship Him to the point that people think that we are drunk, which we are..."drunk in the Spirit." (Eph 5:18)
Let's Celebrate!!!
Let's Worship!!!
Let's keep the PARTY going, like Jesus did!!!
The Bible
SexGod by Rob Bell
Jesus Came to Save Christians by Rob Bell
Reimagining Church by Frank Viola