Everyday about 4,100 men, women, and children die in Sub-Saharan Africa from this preventable, treatable disease...Just 2 pills a day that costs about 40 cents can keep someone with HIV and AIDS alive and healthy.
Every seven seconds, a child under the age of 5 dies of hunger.
One billion people in the world do not have clean water.
More than half the world lives on less than $2 a day and the average American teenager spends nearly $150 a week.
Jesus said that if the Church doesn't cry out, then the rocks will scream (Luke 19:40)... or at least the rockstars because they seem to embrace Jesus' teaching of justice more than His Church.
Rockstars and Celebraties are standing up and shouting...
Bono has started the (Red) Campaign and does whatever it takes to take on AIDS, Poverty, and Third World Debt.
Angelina Jolie not only speaks about poverty and orphans, but she herself has gone for months at a time to start orphanages in places where there are none. She herself has adopted 3 orphans and said that she and Brad have thought of adopting up to 14 kids.
Brad Pitt said, "Let us be outraged, let us be loud, let us be bold."
Nickelback singing about poverty states, "If everyone cared and nobody cried. If everyone loved and nobody lied. If everyone shared and swallowed their pride then we'd see the day when nobody died." And the music video for this song is all about justice fighters that have stood up and made a difference in this world.
Lenny Kravitz sings about starting a new love revolution.
The Church has said...nothing. I haven't really heard the church speak out about any of this. There are a few that are starting to catch on, but as a whole we sit very quietly in our pews and say prayers for them. This world is wanting to start a love revolution. Jesus was the first one to do that...so shouldn't His Church be the one heading up this love revolution.
I've heard many Christians say, "When I get to heaven, I want to ask God why there is so much suffering in this world." I'm kind of afraid to ask that question because I'm afraid Jesus will look at us and say, "I don't know why there is so much suffering in the world because you are my hands and feet. Weren't you suppose to do something?"
Isn't "faith without deeds dead?" (James 2:26)
Isn't true faith, "Caring for the orphans and the widows in their troubles, and refusing to let the world corrupt us." (James 1:27)
Isn't it true that "If you have faith to move mountains...but not love,"(1 Cor 13:2) then it's worthless.
"Isn't this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice...to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter--when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?" (Isa 58:6-7)
Jesus' love was absolute insanity to the religious people of the day because He was offering salvation to the "unclean." He would touch the people that no one else would touch. He would hang out with the ones no one else would hang out with. He would fight for the "image of God" that is inside of each person. And this love that has no limits and this love that is for everyone and this love that fights for what is right should be seen in His Church--and should start with His Church.
What are you doing that is showing Jesus' love?
Is the Church changing the world, like Jesus did?
Do you bring love where there is suffering, or do you just pray for them and walk away?
Where is the Jesus(Love)?
"It is time for a love revolution.
It is time for a new constitution."
--Lenny Kravitz
Let us start the love revolution, Church.
Let us cry out.
Let us bring Heaven down.
Let us be the Kingdom of God.
The Bible
Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne
Jesus Came to Save Christians by Rob Bell