Part 2 of a study on John 4:1-42
Sooo...Jesus is still sitting by the well with the town slut. He just offered her a new life and a new start and a way to be one with God again (Living Water). And she says that's what she's been looking for and that she wants what Jesus is offering her. She wants living water!!! Then randomly Jesus says, "Where is your husband?" To which she responds, "I have no husband..." Then Jesus tells the girl her life's story, "You right, you've had five husbands and the one you're shacking up with now isn't even your husband." Wow!!! How in-your-face is that???
But it is at this point that she realizes something...
He knows absolutely everything about me and He's still sitting beside me. He's still here with me and loving me for who I am...mistakes and all.
Isn't that what what all of us are looking for? Don't all of us want someone that knows every single little tiny detail about us (the good, the bad, and the ugly) and still love us.
That desire has been God's plan from the beginning. When God created man, He said it is not good for the man to be alone...So God created woman (because the first time the man saw her, he said, "Whoa mannnn!!!" lol) But at the end of that chapter God said that they were "naked before each other and were without shame." (Gen 2:25) This is more than just a physical aspect. It covers everything...they knew everything about each other, inside and out, and they were without shame. All of us want something like that. Because...
To be known is to be loved and to be loved is to be known!!!
Known...let's talk about this word. In the Hebrew, the word they used for "to know" is...yada. Which is the same word that they used for SEX...oh yes we're going there. (I'm tired of the church not going there) Since the beginning of time God created us for love and for intimacy. First with Him, then our spouse, and then the world. But at the beginning, when a man loved a women and they made love...they knew each other. Sex wasn't just intercourse, it was having someone know everything about you and still want to be with you and vice versa...You knew every detail about the person you were with and you still want to share your love with that person alone.
As you read the Bible, you can see how we start preverting sex. Instead of knowing each other like God's original plan, we started taking from each other. In Gen 6:2, they stopped using the term "to know" for sex...they started using the term, "to take."
He doesn't really have to know her, he can just take what He wants from her and leave it at that. No regrets, right???
She wants to be known by someone, but doesn't believe that kind of love exists. So she settles and starts "giving herself away" so that she can feel loved for at least a couple of moments. But she doesn't know him, she just takes from him so that she can feel better about herself.
It's just sex!!!
But that's my point, when it's just sex then it's that...just sex. There' no love, no intimacy, no connection. We can live without sex, but we cannot live without love. That's why you can be the most popular person at a party, but still be alone on the inside. That's why you can have sex with him and at the end still feel empty. Because sex without knowing isn't sex. Sex without knowing isn't love. Because...
To be known is to be loved and to be loved is to be known!!!
Sooo...she is sitting next to Jesus and she realizes what she's found in Him. She's been looking sooooo long for something like this. For someone to know her...REALLY know her from the inside-out and still love her...and still be there with her through it all...And Jesus is still sitting next to her...with her...the rabbi and the pornstar.
The Bible
True Story by James Choung
SexGod by Rob Bell