REPENT--oh yes, the famous "christian" word that we use to bring down hellfire and brimstone. It comes packaged with protesters holding up signs saying, "Heaven Yes. Hell no. REPENT." And the old pastor types screaming at the top of their lungs, "Turn or burn, I say, turn or burn." But the thing is...that really doesn't look a lot like Jesus, but more like the pharisees--the ones who killed Jesus. So this got me thinking (I know scary thought lol)...
What did Jesus mean when HE said Repent?
Repent is not a word of condemnation (do this or die).
It's not a bargaining chip (if you would just do these four things, then God will...).
In the Greek (the original language), Repent translates into "rethink your life." So when Jesus showed up on the scene and said, "REPENT for the Kingdom of God is here," (Matt 4:17) He was saying, "Ok it's time to reevaluate everything. It's time to rethink your life cause the Kingdom of God is here. Yes, the Kingdom of God is here and this is gonna change everything."
And He has changed everything--absolutely everything--he's "made peace with all things." (Col 1:20) So when Jesus was going around touching people's lives, he was not going around and saying, "If you just do this, then God will do this." He was going around saying, "The Kingdom of God is here. I've made peace with all things. Do you realize that you can have peace, REAL peace!!!"
Repentance is not trying to get God to do something (maybe if I just do this, then God will do this...). If you are just doing this "Christian Walk" just so that God will do something for you, then you do not know who God is and what He has done. Cause He's already done EVERYTHING--he's made peace with all things!!! Do you realize what this means??? This changes everything. I don't have to do all these things to get to God, cause God came down to get to me. I don't have to make up for my sins, cause he already nailed them to the cross. Cause He's made peace with all things.
What about turn or burn??? What about the change???
HELLO!!! Who wouldn't change when you come to the realization of what all God has done??? Like Rob Bell says, "Of course you're gonna live in a different way. Of course you're gonna reorder your life. Who wouldn't, when they came to the awareness that peace has already been made." All that is left to do is celebrate what God has done and to trust in it--For the Kingom of God is here!!!
Rethink your life--cause this changes everything!!! Repent.
The Bible
True Story by James Choung
Jesus for President by Shane Clairborne
The God's Aren't Angry DVD by Rob Bell