The Rabbi & the Porn Star//Changed
Part 4 of a study on John 4:1-42 (Last part)
Sooo...we're still sitting at the well, right??? And Jesus just answered her question and told her what true love and true worship was, right??? Okay...good...we're caught up now...if not, then read the others first lol.
And she responds back to Jesus, "I know that the Messiah will come one day and explain all of this to us--we've been waiting for Him." Now Jesus finally reveals who He is to her, "I am the Messiah." And now it hits her...the one she's been waiting on for soooo long is finally here. He's sitting right next to her and offering her living water (a new start). So what does she do??? She leaves her water jar beside the well and ran back into the city to tell everyone. She came to the well for some water to satisfy her thirst and she leaves without her water jar because she ran into Jesus and that changes everything.
You see the Messiah was the one that everyone was waiting for because He would come in and rescue His people and make all things new. Still today all of us are waiting for something like that too. If you don't believe me, just listen to some music--it's all in it. But when you run into the Jesus--He does make all things new. He was turning a porn star into a Jesus awesome is that.
And she runs back into the city to tell everyone. Cause when you find a love like that you can't keep it to yourself. You got to let everyone who will listen know. She went and told everyone, "I found the Messiah, or actually He kinda found me. And He knew everything about me and He still loved me. Come and see." Sooo...the town does come and see and Jesus stays there two more days. And a lot of people believed saying, "He is the Savior of the world."
So when Jesus comes to you...
One...He offers you a new life, a new start (living water)
Two...He knows absolutely everything about you, the good and the bad, and He is still crazy about you
Three...He will teach you how to really love and how to really worship with all that you are
Four...You will not be the same. He changes you. And He will use you to bring a city to His feet, if you let Him use you.
Have you crashed into Him yet???
Cause when you do...this changes everything!!!
The Bible
The Rabbi & the Porn Star//Worship
Part 3 of a study on John 4:1-42
Sooo...the story continues and Jesus is still sitting at the well with the tramp. She's been offered a new life (living water) by Jesus and she also just realized that He knows absolutely everything about her (mistakes and all) and He still wants to be with her. When you run into a love like this, it changes everything!!! When you find a love like that you know you can ask anything in the world...and she does, but it's not what you think. She turns to Jesus and asks, "Why do you Jews believe that the only place to worship God is in Jerusalem?" Okay...I don't know about you, but that's probably the last thing that I would think that would come out of a slut's mouth. But it makes you think...
Maybe she was raised in a religious home
Maybe she was the one who always "went to church"
Maybe she was "hurt by the church"
Maybe she had religious rules instead of love
Maybe that's why she went on her wild find love
And after she has found her love in Jesus, she asks one thing...and it's a religious question. hmmm.
And Jesus answers her, "It no longer matters whether you worship the Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem. True worshippers worship Him in Spirit and Truth. He is looking for those who worship him that way. God is Spirit, so those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and Truth!!!"
I absolutely LOVE this. You know why??? Because Jesus keeps telling the religious people that all their worship is fake because it is without love. And then Jesus tells the slut, the one who has been looking for love her entire life, how to love and how to worship. Jesus is FREAKIN AWESOME!!!
Sooo...worship (love) in spirit and in truth. What does that mean???
TRUTH--that's simple...all that means is...let your love for God be real. Sincerity. Don't be like the pharisee's of Jesus' day and the religious people of our day. Don't be fake. Cut the B.S. and fall in love with God and let that be real in your life.
SPIRIT--this is a word full of meaning...spirit in the greek means "breath." So Jesus is basically doing away with all religious aspects here. No more temple, no more only Jerusalem, no more you have to sacrifice this animal. Jesus says worship is loving God with every breath that you take. Worship is bigger than church walls and church traditions. It encompasses all of life. And we can't do this on our own. We all are dirty. We all still mess up. We all are unholy. That's why He sends His HOLY Spirit. And He BREATHES his breath of life into us because "in Him we live and move and breathe." (Acts 17:28) Sooo...with every breath He gives us we are to love Him with all of it.
Sooo...Jesus answers her question, saying places don't matter anymore. To worship, to love...all you need is the air you breathe. And God is searching for those who love him like that.
The Bible